I guess I should count myself lucky for where I grew up: there’s a big/famous chiropractic school in this city, so this creepy motherfucker was on TV commercials all the time:
Never mind quackery; I thought it was legitimately some sort of cult!
I guess I should count myself lucky for where I grew up: there’s a big/famous chiropractic school in this city, so this creepy motherfucker was on TV commercials all the time:
Never mind quackery; I thought it was legitimately some sort of cult!
Well, shit. I was hoping for Tahiti.
I read the first sentence in that big paragraph and thought “wow, going straight to the biggest problem right out of the gate instead of building up to it, huh?” Then I kept reading and realized the entire paragraph was about that same thing. Holy shit, that’s a lot of sexism!