Label | Info |
Pronouns | They/Them |
Job | NYS Software Engineer |
Notice: This user is an employee of United States of America, New York State. All posts, comments, or statements are not representative or reflective of their position.
Thank you!
What kind of nuts?
What is it made of?
Paying off my medical loans.
nope, mostly soy
some flavors yes
Updated post title to reflect your knowledge, thank you!
I wish I was smarter in that field…
I don’t imagine it being the size of a car?
I imagine it being a huge facility, with a steam generator attached utilizing the coolant heat and more.
The pistons would be similar in size to the pistons of a diesel ship.
Take the “Wärtsilä-Sulzer RTA96-C” as example.
Okay so, When I was a kid my mom warned me against cookie dough being dangerous.
Perhaps others had a similar experience?
Perhaps it was a generational trauma we missed?