Be a rebel - learn Catalan and just try and speak it to French and Spanish speakers. The world needs more fluent Catalan speakers!
Be a rebel - learn Catalan and just try and speak it to French and Spanish speakers. The world needs more fluent Catalan speakers!
I’m not certain - the genre would probably focus around the hero’s journey to get there. It could be a modern/sci-fi adventure novel?
I wouldn’t consider it particularly dystopian with a condition - the modern world is a dystopian corporate hellscape so nearly all modern setting tales are dystopian… your description of the setting and plot are certainly a society under pressure but assuming the new country isn’t also a dystopian corporate hellscape it’d break with the tradition of dystopian literature where the actions of the characters leave the world no different than the initial state (sometimes names will change, or governments be overthrown only to be replaced with nearly identical ones) or, potentially, worse.
I think the “everything is awful and can only ever get worse” is pretty integral to dystopias.
Caring about your employees as if they were humans.
Everytime I walk into the room she grabs the nearest stranger and starts making out with them. My buddy said it’s because she can’t even bear to have a conversation with me but I’m pretty sure it’s just because the sight of me turns her on that much.
Canada joining the EEZ.