A gearbox is much smaller and lighter that what’s required for a diesel-electric setup.
Diesel-electric is used for big engines in ships and railroads, where the necessary torque would destroy a gearbox.
There were shadowy conspiracists lurking in the dark alleys of Washington, and hiding from the glaring sun in the High Desert of California, but they were laughably easy prey when the Martian lizard people, the subterranean Vril-empowered mole-men, and the globalist pedophile Commies did show up.
A gearbox is much smaller and lighter that what’s required for a diesel-electric setup.
Diesel-electric is used for big engines in ships and railroads, where the necessary torque would destroy a gearbox.
Gnome Maps is honestly really good!
Not everything has to be inside your browser.
ChatGPT is great for when what you’re looking for is the proper search term.
If I don’t know what term to google, I can describe what I’m looking for and then nudge the bot in the right direction till it spits out the term.
The post suggests that some people with XY chromosomes are assigned female at birth and will live as a woman.
And some people with XX chromosomes are assigned male at birth and will live as a man.
Not that the chromosomes change.
I run towards one of the slits and cover it with my body.
The trolley now behaves like a normal trolley made out of particles.
It instantly grinds to a halt since there are no rails on its side of the barrier.
German is spoken in different versions by Germans, Austrians, Swiss, Luxembourgers and that one Belgian.
I speak the correct version.