I don’t think it’s that funny, just a sad defense for not being able to recognize that someone belongs at the conference instead of among the customer service staff.
I don’t think it’s that funny, just a sad defense for not being able to recognize that someone belongs at the conference instead of among the customer service staff.
That sounds like it was for her specifically in the first use
I heard a joke once that a physical chemistry experiment will have 1000 data points per trend line; I organic chemistry will have 10 data points, and biochem will have 2 data points.
I bet to biochemists it’s very insulting. Back to the comment in the anti-acknowledgements, that was insulting without even being funny.
I like the ones that are symmetrical, like math thinks that physics is easy, and physics things that math is too unreal (I don’t remember the jokes)
The picture of the orchard had fooled me.
I’ve never picked cherries but I have pruned persimmon trees and I am skeptical that anti vaxxers would excel at any kind of agricultural work
It’s got an element of truth but they’re still the butt of a joke