Could one of you scholars please explain the joke for us smoothbrains who don’t get it? All I see is a boolean matrix, and I’m not even sure that is correct.
Oh no, you!
Could one of you scholars please explain the joke for us smoothbrains who don’t get it? All I see is a boolean matrix, and I’m not even sure that is correct.
Dream Theater - A Change of Seasons. Because I want to make sure it lasts.
Alternatively, Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence, as that’s technically one song.
Destiny Potato. Technically impressive, cool songs, catchy motifs, and at the same time they show that it’s possible to make fun music. Plus at the time of their first release, it was a refreshingly different kind of djenty progmetal.
They’re known as Sordid Pink now, by the way.
Uh, what?
You’re writing this as if each instance is run its own oligarch. Can you confirm that you’re secretly filthy rich and that you’re funding the instance to push your agenda? Or any agenda? (No I’m not serious, in case there’s any doubt.)
I think I actually managed to block them all, as I haven’t seen any in a while now. I also have an instance-level block on
More information: Your size is fine
How did she take it?
My English is an odd mix, and I’ve noticed that I tend to subconsciously emulate the accent of whomever I’m speaking with. Lately it’s been mostly Texans, but as I work in an international environment I’ve been all over the place.
Not that many years ago my combination of coworkers resulted in some weird interpretations: Brits thought I was American, Americans and kiwis thought I was Canadian, and Canadians thought I was British. They all noticed something was up with my accent, but nobody was able to place it.