What about a third option that reality exists and it is just nondeterministic?
There’s still a pattern in the results, so by one means or another we want to explain the results. Just calling it nondeterministic, if I understand right, would be just saying you can’t predict it from prior observations.
So, whatever language you use to describe this puzzling situation, the puzzling situation thus far remains.
since we know the universe is local
A priori? Or because it best fits with Relativity? It sounds about as strong as saying, “we know time is universal.” It’s obvious, has to be true, but apparently not how the universe functions.
I think you’re getting angry at the wrong things and taking me too far. I didn’t at all mean we can’t believe or trust physical reality. Neither do I doubt special relativity, or specifically the Lorentz invariance.
I wasn’t meaning to insult your intelligence, but now I feel you’ve done that for me.