There is magnetic force. A moving charge across a magnetic feild experiences it and it is always perpendicular to motion of the charge. So it changes the direction of motion. Since magnets are basically objects with electrons spinning in an oriented fashion, making a current loop(like an electromagnet), it is also appling to the macroscopic case. But the work done is probably done by electric feild in some manner as the title implies. I don’t know how exactly it plays out though.
What about the inverse beta decay thing? If electrons are also being compressed it should end up becoming neutrons right?
Electron repulsion might be irrelevant but being bound to electrons isn’t. Electrons aren’t being thrown out of the orbit here since its cold. It’s getting squished into.
(I also disagree with the net zero claim, due to the sheilding effect of outer electrons, but still that too is irrelevant so np)