I am against animal agriculture for the same reason I am against sexism, racism, ableism, classism and homophobia.

The circumstances of a creatures birth does not dictate what it is “meant for”, every one deserves to live happy, healthily and with dignity, but some simply want to live.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 4th, 2024

  • Criticizing anti-capitalism media for existing in a capitalistic system is literally the last panel. I’m sure we agree on most things if you listened to ICHH as well, so I’m not trying to argue or start a fight.

    But Evans has to eat, pay rent and deserves to make profit off his time like the rest of us. Personally, I feel as if you’re falling into the “AoC/Bernie/Hasan has money and are hypocritical socialists” style trap, which is at best lazy and worst willfully ignorant of the context in which we all live.

    The podcast wouldn’t exist without ads, so ads are a weird thing to complain about. It’s the message that is important and ads don’t diminish that anti capitalistic message.