Also people like him tend to be shit at getting useful data.
Also people like him tend to be shit at getting useful data.
If you’re interested in getting into bicycling check if there’s a local co-op. A good one will sell you a cheap bike and even let you pay a decent chunk of it in labor of fixing bikes (and learning to fix yours). Not only is this two hobbies for the price of a few drinks, it’s also a good way to make friends, build skills, learn good trails, and feel connected to your local community. You also can get cheap used parts. The bikes won’t be high end expensive ones, and you may decide some parts are worth paying manufacturer prices for (several used trigger shifters led to me buying new), but when all is said and done they’re usually pretty decent bikes. And you can find weird shit you may not have known was a thing.
Listen I’m generally pro rehabilitation but lete not let embezzlers start banks