“This is I, when the attractive biochemistry student tickles me in the stomach. Unbeknownst to me, I will be later killed by her as part of her research.”
“This is I, when the attractive biochemistry student tickles me in the stomach. Unbeknownst to me, I will be later killed by her as part of her research.”
Usually, if the mouse is infected or mutated in a given manner, its innards would need to be removed and studied, to determine what effects the mutation/infection had on them. This kills the mouse.
Does the gravity field/planet mass count? It’d take a huge movement for us to notice any shift in Earth’s inertia.
“Cherry picking” is also a form of selective arguing, where someone will laser focus on one tiny part of the data, even if the rest of it says things contrary to their point.
So, if I had data saying that 70% of people who trod on landmines died immediately, 25% experienced loss of at least one limb, 2.5% were unharmed, and 2.5% were unaccounted for, a Cherry-picker might argue that landmine hopscotch is completely safe, since only 25% of people lost a limb, and a portion of people were completely unharmed.