Yeah, that’s my theory. I’m currently a first time parent to a 1 y 9m.
Send help.
Conservatives/Shills I made delete their accounts in shame by beating them in arguments : 2
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Yeah, that’s my theory. I’m currently a first time parent to a 1 y 9m.
Send help.
Maths with arabic terms and pronounciations :
tldr biology is dice rolls and humans are intersex for no reason sometimes
To make involuntary non-cis , non-het , infertile aunts and uncles.
I was well into my 20s before I ever heard a single word about it being pseudoscience.
every fucking tv show and film referring to them as some sort of curer of back issues probably doesn’t help
When they start hitting the toddler stage, shit gets even more real.
I wish you the best of health and happiness for your family
light shines in darkness?