better than the states, even at a cheap states its still thousands of USD per semester, and not a whole year, plus COL.
better than the states, even at a cheap states its still thousands of USD per semester, and not a whole year, plus COL.
this is just latest problem and is only a symptom of a larger set of issues going back to your 1st degree.
its also very hard to get hired as faculty as colleges because of the limited space, alot of people graduaitng in the us with a undergrad thinks thier career path is a PHD, but its too competitive because tenures arnt leaving until thier dead, plus university can be stingy and hiring cheap temporary instructors,. also getting grad degrees are expensive and not easy too. oh yea i also hear about hte lack of wet lab experience before graduating with your undergrad degree, plus the amount of papers people are doing to get noticed by a university on thier CV. when i was in undergrad i was in a talk where the announcer said the professor attending today has to write dozens of research papers just to get hired. and then theres the complaint about quality of said research paper too.
im curious are they moving to other countries because “insurance, pay, politics”?
except they need the same experts to maintain nukes, Nukes have a “expiration date”, they want it to mostly become like russia, where all the money goes to oligarches.
i heard its pretty hard because us has standards that are usually above that of most countries, and some countries thier medical programs might not be equal. Also even if you are MD outside of the usa, its very hard to become one in the USA if you try to immigrate here.
aside from UK, and some other european MED schools , theres much more you have to do to apply to become a med student/MD in the usa. you all heard about people trying to go to caribbean med schools only to be met with more requirements in the USA.
theres a shortages in the us to for prof, because the tenures are not retiring to leave any positions open, so alot of them end up not applying to colleges anymore, also the fact that many schools are abusing just using adjuncts only
our 4-year university, actually state is actually suffering from low-enrollment issues, its getting so serious as of recently they have slash faculty and “less important classes”: and the faculties getting canned said it was “birth rates”, i was commenting on the sub, said it was HCOL, and low job prospects.
many state Uni in our area also have big problems too. its likely stemmed from covid, where everyone had a shitty education from classes being online only, cant really learn anything if you cant ask in person questions. although i think covid just unmasked systemic issues going before the pandemic. ive seen disasstisfied reviews on yelp going back 2016. i was curious after graduation if any universities had yelp reviews they all did.
ive seen alot of job listing requiring some bioinformatics training, something the university dont warn people about, aside from the wet lab experience you need before graduating.
the income is “reasonablly” decent if you reach the PHD/MD level(more true for MD than for PHD though) but for ms AND BS, its pretty low. theres also the problem with getting lab experience too.
doesnt really matter if USA has HCOL, extremely volatile politics, plus significant anti-science and intellectualism going on. alot of successful scientists tend to immigrate wealthy conservative countries like parts of india, and M.E, thats why there are ton of successful scientists that are well off to begin with.
when they made columbia or another university MED SCHOOL free for a while, they saw disadvantaged students were less likely to get in admissions than their richer white counterparts.
they only want scientists(phds) in many countries outside of us(i know there are alot there are struggling after just thier initial undergrad and even thier masters)(struggling as in the job prospects for biotech is quite a bit poor for those who are not eligible for grad school, or need experience)
thats only 1 part of the issue, its a minor but important part.
yea thats the only reason, just higher salary only if it matches the HCOL in there area, otherwise they wouldnt have come here.
its gatekeeped in alot of ways, its complex issue stemming back to undergrad. not only because of recent anti-science, and anti-dei initiatives, which adds to the problem.
theres one that have the normal egg with its half of genetic material, but situation where 2 sperm enters at once.
There are situations that occur during fertilization, if the egg somehow loses it genetic material, the sperm enters the egg, but it duplicates its own half genome to form a 46 pairs but this is abnormal, because the gene pattering and also epigenetic silencing is different from males and females, so it forms abnormal mass of tissue called a mole; it can be partial or complete, one of the types can become a rare form of cancer
Monotremes possess 5X and Ys, but their system is more related to birds and reptiles ZW,
fun fact its called thier cannon bone. early horses had 4-5 fingers.