How is Krita?
I fully converted all my workflows to Krita a long time again, its amazing
The 3.0 upgrade was the result of the getting their house in order and modernizing
meh I believe they can walk and chew gum at the same time, I think they just wanna walk and not chew gum at all
I mean, the name is a bigger problem than anyone seems to want to admit
Which is why I use Krita and recommend it to other people… telling them to use GIMP would get too many laughs and weird looks
Seems like a long tiem to wait for non-destructive drop shadows… most other art applications including Krita have had that for a very long time
Why not? Krita did it, they made an entirely new interface (hell they did it over 10 years ago) so why does the GIMP teams refuse to do the same?
I fear gimp truly doesnt care about its ui/ux
Why, because its been the single most requested change by the GIMP community for 20+ years and its the one thing they refuse to address?? Dont be silly, its not like the devs are acting like the guy who makes Filezilla who has been steadfastly refusing to implement a ‘dark’ feature simply because he does think anyone wants it… oh wait
forgive me, but- this feedback is worthless
Its not useless when literally 99% of the people who tried GIMP Over the past 25+ years have had the exact same reaction, pretending its not a thing its whats useless