



消滅習近平 消滅普丁和他的走狗

Never Forget June 4th 1989.

Destroy the CCP, Liberate China.

The One Child Policy are human rights violations.

Nationalism is a disease, in every country.

Depose Xi Jinping. Depose Putin and his puppets. By any means necessary!

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: November 7th, 2024


  • Dictionary Definition:

    vindicate *verb*
    - 1 a: to free from allegation or blame
    - b (1): confirm, substantiate
    - (2): to provide justification or defense for : justify
    - c : to protect from attack or encroachment : defend
    - 2 : avenge
    - 3 : to maintain a right to
    - 4 obsolete : to set free : deliver


    So imagine a person defending against an assailant and inadvertently kills him.

    The polices comes and accuses the person for murder, but its self defence.

    So the man get convicted for murder.

    Sure, his family may believe him. Some friend may believe him. A rebel group might also believe him.

    But most people either don’t care or just believe what the police says.

    The man spends life in prison. And his identity, records, papers are all shredded.

    He may be in the right, but that’s not exactly being “vindicated”.

    Vindicated is:

    to free from allegation or blame

    Yea maybe in the west, but in Mainland China, it doesn’t exist. Those who witnessed it thinks it was a riot.

    Being “Vindicated” would be the CCP topples, and the new government shares the truth.

  • Tiananmen got deleted.

    Never knew until I immigrated to the US. And even then, its merely a brief mention on it and calls it “communism” (its not lol) and then the teachers proclaim its why “communism” is bad, USA constitution rule of law blah blah.

    Look how good the constitution is, its being ripped apart right now.

    Sure, the western world knows it happened, but its only a few shitposters on the internet cares about it. If you go on the street and ask the average westerner, they’d have no clue on what you’re talking about.

    A few posts on reddit shitposting on June 4 is not exactly being “Vindicated”.

    The CCP won, they erased history.

    The USA is now following the same path.

    Autocrats of the world have won.

  • Apparantly, (in the US) any protest that needs to occupy the road requires a permit. Yea imagine how stupid it is, you want to protest the government and you need to apply for permission?!? I was shocked when my teacher told me about this. Seems like a huge First Amendment violation to me, but society just goes along with it. 😓

    So unless your protest is strictly on the sidewalk, you need a permit. So fucking dumb.