Don’t worry. “God made them this way”.
Don’t worry. “God made them this way”.
They’re different numbers. Base 10 isn’t perfect and can’t do everything just right, so you end up with irrational numbers that go on forever, sometimes.
1/3 is rational.
.3333… is not. You can’t treat fractions the same as our base 10 number system. They don’t all have direct conversions. Hence, why you can have a perfect fraction of a third, but not a perfect 1/3 written out in base 10.
Except it doesn’t. The math is wrong. Do the exact same formula, but use .5555… instead of .9999…
Guess it turns out .5555… is also 1.
You’re just rounding up an irrational number. You have a non terminating, non repeating number, that will go on forever, because it can never actually get up to its whole value.
I’d just say that not all fractions can be broken down into a proper decimal for a whole number, just like pie never actually ends. We just stop and say it’s close enough to not be important. Need to know about a circle on your whiteboard? 3.14 is accurate enough. Need the entire observable universe measured to within a single atoms worth of accuracy? It only takes 39 digits after the 3.
Duckduckgo mostly uses Bing for its search results. It also uses yahoo, yandex, and it’s own crawler, but for the most part you’re getting Bing.
So what you really want to know is if Bing is just as good as Google. If you think it is, you should definitely use ddg because they’re the least intrusive.