On my android, I just long press on the image, and it appears at the top of the popup menu
On my android, I just long press on the image, and it appears at the top of the popup menu
Is it though? They have to eat an absolute ton relative to their own mass. At least all the birds I’ve ever interacted with were constantly eating, even when they mostly didn’t bother flying. Chicken soccer is what I called feeding the chickens. No patience whatsoever.
My mother used to say that her sons eat like birds, a peck at a time, and twice our own body weight daily.
While we humans eat a lot, something like 50% of our calories are going to our brains. I’m not sure most birds could actually increase their caloric intake enough to be able to evolve bigger brains than they already have. Maybe if we designed them some super foods, but that seems to be cheating, to me.
This makes me wonder if there is any possibility that someone who worked on the pyramids knew what roast mammoth tasted like. I suspect the possibility is 0 due to geography, but maybe someone got sick of being cold and happened to be an architect?
For some reason, I don’t entirely believe you. Might be the whole God of Madness thing. You turning back into Jyggalag anytime soon? I’d like to know when to short the shit out of the entire market.
Corvids and psittacines display human child level intelligence. They use tools. They recognize other people. Hell the psittacines can mimic speech.
I personally suspect it’s a matter of energy density. Birds have to use almost all of their available calories on flying. Doesn’t leave a lot of energy left over for a massively hungry brain. No clue what’s holding back penguins, emus, and cassowaries.
That’s what the XKCD that was posted says. Mostly.
The popup text on that one is quite funny.
🎵🎶 Lemmy Joe!🎶 🎵