Are you saying your parents started a running debt for you when you were born and expect you to repay them? That’s not normal and they have no legal means to enforce that debt. If you’re still a minor, contact protective services.
What? Are they charging you from childhood to live with them, like a tab you need to settle after? If so, they sound like pricks, and if it’s a cultural thing, they still sound like pricks. Culture or not, you don’t need to do that to your kids.
Gonna need a bit more info.
Are you saying they are billing you for living with them pre-adulthood?
Making you pay rent to stay, now that you are an adult?
Or is this a more existential; ‘you brought me into this world, I didn’t ask to exist’ kinda thing?
I began paying rent to my Mother once I began working and left high school, contributing to the household bills + food. Cost of living and all that; even if your parents own the home, keeping it and supplying food+utilities isn’t free. I don’t resent her for that at all; I can’t say I’d expect anything different.